I can’t have a bill written until I’m re-elected. I did have a bill written on behalf of the Local Government Interim Committee, a fireworks tax with proceeds going to workers comp for those volunteer fire fighters who are not covered and for grants to emergency medical and trauma services. That bill passed the bipartisan committee 7-1 on July 10. The bill can’t technically be assigned to me as I am not unopposed in the general election. Hopefully, I’ll have that opportunity to sponsor the bill in 2019.
Potential Bills (Part 1)
Tobacco 21: This would initially be a state constitutional amendment to allow nicotine delivery systems to be included with alcohol as a product (potentially), not available to 18 year olds for sale or consumption. If passed by voters subsequent to legislative action, the legislature could consider raising the age of access to nicotine products.
Local Option Taxes: Potentially the Gateway Local Option Tax as presented by Park County, affording counties bordering our two national parks (or municipalities within the county), the option of a selective sales tax by permission of electors. Areas in question must be in tourist impact areas using criteria developed by the Department of Commerce.
Bike/Pedestrian trails on state highway right of way: A bill to assure that maintenance of right of way, non vehicular amenities are financially maintained by the state, including reimbursement of counties or cities for such maintenance.
An affordable Housing Bill: As previously posted, the interim committee I served on, passed three bills to increase the stock of affordable housing for low and middle income Montanans. Final assignment of the bills occur after the election.