Bridget Brink

The US Senate unanimously (by voice vote), approved the appointment of Bridget Brink as ambassador to Ukraine. I watched a You Tube video of Brink in her former job as the Ambassador of Slovakia participating in the dedication of a nature trail and historic home of two young survivors of the Nazi’s rule of the area. She’s a most impressive person, skilled speaker, advanced degree from the London School of Economics, fluent in about five languages and wife and mother. President Trump had appointed her to her last post and he made a wise decision in doing so. Hurray for something, in that we find a bit of common ground between Presidents Biden and Trump. We need unity and lots of it to get through the most challenging of times. We may be heading into stagflation where there is inflation and a shrinking of the economy. Covid is not so coy in reminding us to dig up our our masks. Violent crime seems to be on the increase with Buffalo shooting a reminder of the potential evil that lurks.

So there is needed relief of weaponized issues in seeing Ambassador Brink gaining nomination in such a seamless fashion. There were naive isolationists during the turbulent and troubled years before World War 2. So too, are there isolationists here and now including our Congressional Representative Rosendale, the eastern Montana Candidate for Congress. Regular order, the term coined by John McCaine, must be maintained in Europe. As Ukraine looks west towards the EU and a liberal democracy, this regular order must be maintained for the future of the civilized world. This is a battle against a despot with significant skills and ambitions. Good and Evil.

We have an ambassador in Kiev and a Ukrainian nation with will and resolve. May we focus on what really matters.