About me and the issues for 2022

I’m in the process of updating a walk card, a piece of literature we hand to or leave at the doors of our constituents. Candidates take these very seriously, likely proportionally more than the potential voter, who may pass it of as nothing more than junk mail.

Regardless, here’s the potential text:

I’ve live in Whitefish since 1989 (we bought a house for $44,000, no kidding, this is not included!), Following 24 years on the Whitefish School Board (Luckily, Critical Race Theory was still a curriculum item at law schools, not included), I was elected to represent you in the Montana House of Representatives. I seek a fourth and final term (term limits at the state level are really misappropriated!), as term limits restrict my service to eight years in one chamber. (Im often asked if I can move to the Senate, not unless the house districts are paired differently to allow a Democrat the possibility of winning, stay tunes as redistricting is in the process). During the last session, I was vice chairman of my favorite assignment, the House Taxation Committee and I also served on the Local Government and Transportation Committees. Between the sessions (remember we are one of five holdout states that meet only every other year), I serve on the Local Government and Transportation (2 committees) Interim Committees and I was appointed a non voting member of the Upper Columbia Conservation (Uc3), Committee, which oversees invasive species in our lakes, streams and rivers.

My spouse Heather and I made the right choice in raising our three children and numerous pets on Dakota Ave, just two blocks from the lake and a bike ride away from our schools. I’ve been a small business owner since 1998. I will continue to put principals over politics, (I really try to do this in the age of toxic politics)!