Positions on Public Schools

Recognizing that Covid 19 will stunt Income tax collections, special sales tax collections affiliated with tourism and an unknown impact on property tax collections in November (though mils retain their value).

  1. Implement statutory special education funding. To date, the increases in such allocations are done on a one time basis. A minimum indexing allocation will provide additional predictability for school district budgeting purposes.
  2. Create and establish ANB applicability for a pre-k program. Governor Steve Bullock and Rep. Eric Moore R, Miles City presented a hybrid Pre-K program that blended some private providers with mainly public schools. It was killed by purists in pursuit of a 100% public program. Establishing a per student (ANB), eligible funding increment that contributes to a districts base budget and includes pre-K is the essential first step. Data strongly infers that a program increases student achievement. Young moms and dads need child care assistance. It’s a winner!
  3. Provide health insurance assistance to districts. Health Insurance costs are disproportionally effecting districts. Less money available for funding classrooms and staff salaries. The statutory increases for funding is at the inflationary level. My bill last session aimed to incentivize the formation of large group plans by rewarding assistance for such outcomes. Possibly this upcoming legislation, additional funding can be awarded through direct payments. Less or no impact on property taxes would be my preference.
  4. Create Magnet School definitions and assistance. Such facilities are school board governed and provide opportunities for students who wish to concentrate on such topics as science/math, CTE (career/technical), foreign languages and the arts.
  5. Address the West Yellowstone incident of a tortured and murdered child who was removed from school to be home schooled. It was an anomaly, but a horrible incident that must never again occur. The trial is upcoming. Seek common county application and removal procedures including a plan to implement a successful home school experience for the child. Work with OPI and counties to increase accountability for home schooling parents.